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Pillowcase Painting - I Am Grateful

by Artburn
I am grateful for....
Pillowcase Painting Kit for Kids

Handmade in Nova Scotia, Canada, by Eleanor

Powerful Pillows...sending positive messages to kids at bedtime!
Have a thoughtful conversation with your child while they paint, about the message on the pillowcase. They'll be reminded of it every time they go to sleep.

Parents, you can infuse the pillowcase with love by painting on your hand to make a hand print,
to signify love for your child even when you are not nearby.

Each Pillowcase Painting Kit includes:
Vibrant fabric paint: 6 colours of professional quality, non-toxic, water based fabric paint. After painting, a hot iron sets the colour, so your child’s painting will remain vibrant for years to come.

Soft on the cheek. Safe for the washer and dryer.

A paint brush, colourful painted examples for inspiration, an insert so the paint won’t go through to the other side while painting, bilingual instructions and encouragement.

No need to “stay in the lines”… the design will show through the paint. Let the kids have fun with it. Appropriate age range is from 4 to 13 or so… plus adults!

Standard size, white, 200 thread count, cotton/poly blend pillowcase, featuring one of my original designs in a black line-drawing style, ready to be painted in and personalized.

Revised instructions for Artburn Pillowcase Painting Kits

Before painting, put the paper inside the pillowcase, so the paint doesn't go through to the back.



  1. After 24 hours or more, when the paint is completely dry, remove the paper insert, and keep it.
  2. Set iron to cotton/maximum heat setting, with no water in your iron and no steam.
  3. Turn the pillowcase INSIDE OUT, and REPLACE the paper insert** inside the pillowcase.
  4. Iron on the BACKSIDE of your painting, slowly moving the iron around so as not to scorch - but getting all painted areas good and HOT.
  5. Keep ironing so that all areas receive at least 4 minutes of heat - you can divide the area into 4 and iron for 4+ minutes in each area - so that the whole pillowcase receives about 20 minutes of ironing. (watch a show or listen to music!)
  6. It's now safe to wash and dry as normal, when needed.
  • *note- if you do not want to use the same paper, you may use parchment or clean white paper but do not use waxed paper or printed paper.
  • *note- if you do not want to use the same paper, you may use parchment or clean white paper but do not use waxed paper or printed paper.